Specializing in oilfield & pipeline construction and oilfield maintenance, serving East Central Alberta and West Central Saskatchewan.

Facility Construction & Fabrication
For over 20 years, we’ve worked with the oil and gas industry, providing fast and efficient service. We offer a wide range of facility construction services, from well sites & tank farms to pipelines, compressors and more.

Modular Fabrication & Assembly
Our team at Jaws Contracting, offers modular fabrication services and assembly. We build and construct equipment off-site and the completed product is delivered to the worksite where it is installed and integrated into field operations. All while maintaining efficiency, speed, safety, quality, economy, and convenience.

Pipeline Construction Services
Pipeline construction is a lengthy and detailed process, that’s where we come in. We work with you on site to provide long-term integrity of the pipeline, a safe work environment for all members on site, as well as minimize the impact to the environment and landowner.

Maintenance Services
Have your worksite running smoothly? Let’s keep it that way. We are available for oilfield maintenance and other projects. We take care of anything from repair of existing systems, removal and replacement of old systems or installation of new systems.

At Jaws Contracting Services, we employ trained professionals for all your project needs. We have available crews of tradesmen and laborer’s for all sized work sites, big or small. If you need us, we’re here to help!

Safety Managers
We employ a full-time safety manager with diverse experience in the oil industry.
Certified Members
We are SECOR certified and a member of ISNetworld and ComplyWorks.
Quality Packages
We provide quality management systems and turnover packages.
- Foreman
- Laborer's
- Journeyman pipe fitter
- Project & onsite supervisor
- Project foreman
- QC coordinator
- Safety representative
- B-Pressure welder & rig
- Structural welder
- Sand blaster & coater
- Breathing air trailer attendees
- Confined space entry & rescue
- Large equipment operator
- Pressure piping
- Production skids
- Structural
- Spools & piping repair & modifications
- Flowline header systems
Other Maintenance Services
- Welding
- Sanding & steaming
- Pressure & packer testing
- Mowing & plowing
- Completions & turnarounds
- Picker services up to 6 ton
- Flare stack installation
- Lease & roadway maintenance
- Seeding & mowing
- Fencing & repairs
- Gravel & grading
- Oil batteries, treating facilities & injection
- Headers & risers
- Well sites, tank farms & multi-well pads
- Compressors
- Pipeline
Oilfield Maintenance & Construction
- Oilfield batteries & single well sites
- Natural gas plant wells
- Tank and berm installations
- Plant shut downs & turnarounds
- Installation of steel and fiberglass pipe
- Pump jack installation
- Structural steel fabrication
- Pressure testing
- Pipeline and wellhead abandonments
- Spill cleanups
- 24 Hour hot shot services
- Wellhead installation servicing
- Wellhead servicing
- Pressure vessels
- Power & process piping
- Site work & snow removal
- Four - 1 Ton trucks with knuckle picker
- Three - 1 Ton trucks with tools
- 3 Ton truck with knuckle picker
- 6 Ton truck with knuckle picker
- Supervisor Truck
- 18 Ton Picker
- 36ft Gooseneck
- 30ft Gooseneck
- 24ft Tilt deck
- 20ft Flat deck
- 16ft Enclosed cargo trailer
- 4 Yard dump trailer
- 24ft Consultant trailer
- Sled/Quad trailer
- Steamer trailer
- 35ft Highboy
- 42ft Lode King
- Bobcat
- Bobcat snow & toothed buckets
- Bobcat fork, mower, grapple & broom
- Tractor with 12ft mower
- Grader with 6 wheel drive
- Tractor with 9ft blade
- Case 459 dozer
- Sanding truck
- Sled
- Quad
- Gravel Truck
- 2 Breathing air skid (2 x 2400 psi btls)
- Breathing air trailer
- 8 2400 psi btls, 2 SCBA & 4 SABA
- Cascade fills (2400 psi btls)
- Scott pack rentals
- Scott masks
- Packer tester
- Man basket
- Generators (3000-6000W)
- Air compressors CFM
- Air compressor with tools
- Herman nelson heater
- Harrows
- Light plants with generators
- Power threaders - 1,2 & 3 inch
- Water pumps & hoses
- 2 & 3 inch pumps
- Table theaders
- Chainsaws
- Weed whackers
- Post pounder
- Safety/construction road signs
- Harnesses